3 reasons why CSR matters

Developing a strong program of corporate sustainability can be much more than just doing short-term good. Companies that invest in the future of business with a long-term focus can also benefit the bottom line and ensure brand growth - here’s how. 

1. Engaged employees

If businesses interact positively and treat communities well it suggests positive qualities to employees and future employees about how the company will treat and look after them.

Employees who feel respected by their employers are likely to stay longer and be better brand ambassadors, leading to higher retention and lower recruitment costs. 

In fact, by 2025, millennials will make up ¾ of the entire workforce, with 64% stating that they wouldn’t consider a job unless the company demonstrates that they have a strong corporate social responsibility policy.  (CONE Communications’ 2016).

2. Customer engagement 

Did you know that only 51% of customer attitudes to a brand are influenced by products and services?

The other half (49%) is shaped by information regarding how management behaves and the way the company engages with social issues. (Fleishman Hillard Fishburn’s 2019 Authenticity Gap report) 

Talking about your business’s social initiatives and impact can open up new conversations with your customers and help build a positive brand image for growth.

3. Positive public attention 

Think about the brands you really love. In all likelihood, the ones you think of are likely to have a brand perception of ‘being good’. 

A strong CSR program can help differentiate from competitors, for example sustainability-led Patagonia has become the strong market leader in the outdoor apparel category leaving others racing to catch up.

In the drinks market, Brew Dog has established itself as a firm favourite and major player through a number of social impact initiatives.

The highly anticipated Planet BrewDog app is a great example which uses in-app gamification to track customers' carbon footprint and plant trees based on this, which in turn increases customer loyalty and brand awareness in new and exciting ways.

The sum up

It’s not just about looking good, it’s about doing good, and it’s more important now more than ever to prove to your employees, customers and business partners that you’re putting your money where your mouth is.

Aligning with the values of the people you’re providing a service to really does make an impact on the long-term success of your business. 

If building a better future for your business sounds up your street, OnHand could be a great fit for you and your people. Book a demo to find out more: https://www.beonhand.co.uk/book-a-demo


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