Let’s have Inclusivity Now

Our brand new Inclusivity Now campaign runs for the month of May, celebrating diversity and inclusion in all of its various forms. We’ve got tons of new missions for you to show your support around LGBTQ+, BAME, disability, and gender inclusivity, as well as an extra push for Mental Health Awareness Week, taking place from 13 to 19 May.

Not only that, we have a fab Dementia Friends session lined up alongside Dementia Action Week (from 13 to 19). Anyone can come along on 23 May at 11AM to learn more about how to support those living with dementia.

Check out what we’ve got lined up for Inclusivity Now, and gear up for a month committed to championing diversity 💪

A yellow OnHand graphic showing details for the Beyond Diversity webinar

Take Action for LGBTQ+ Inclusivity

More than 1 in 3 LGBTQ+ employees have hidden that they are LGBTQ+ at work out of fear of discrimination. Likewise, 1 in 8 transgender workers have been physically attacked by customers or colleagues because of how they identify. 

The stats are sobering, and we need to educate, stand up, and commit to taking action for the LGBTQ+ community. 

🧑‍🏫 Hire a Workplace Speaker

Booking a speaker for your workplace is a great way to educate yourself and your colleagues around doing right by the LGBTQ+ community.

📖 Read More

Books are one of the best ways we can learn more about the world! From non-fiction to fiction to poetry, why not pick up a new novel around LGBTQ+ themes or issues and get stuck into learning about the culture and history of the LGBTQ+ community?

📺 Watch More

There are a ton of documentaries out there about the culture and history of the LGBTQ+ community. Take an hour or two to sit down, watch something new, and be open to learning something!

📣 Speak Out

Pledge to speak out against homophobia and transphobia that you see. Being vocal in your support is one of the best things you can do to stand up for the LGBTQ+ community.

Stand Up for BAME Inclusivity

2 in 3 Black and minority ethnic workers have faced racism at work in the last 5 years. This rises to nearly 60% for BAME employees between 18 and 24.

Fight against racism and discrimination by picking up missions for BAME support, including hiring a workplace speaker and pledging to speak out.

🧑‍🏫 Hire a Workplace Speaker

Booking a speaker for your workplace is a great way to educate yourself and your colleagues around doing right by the BAME community.

📖 Read More

Books are one of the best ways we can learn more about the world! From non-fiction to fiction to poetry, why not pick up a new novel around BAME themes or issues and get stuck into learning about the culture and history of the different BAME communities?

📺 Watch More

There are a ton of documentaries out there about the culture and history of different BAME communities. Take an hour or two to sit down, watch something new, and be open to learning something!

📣 Speak Out

Pledge to speak out against racism that you see. Being vocal in your support is one of the best things you can do to stand up for BAME communities.

⏯️ Bitesize Talk: Supporting Socioeconomic Diversity

OnHand founder Sanjay chats with 10,000 Black Interns co-founder Michael Barrington-Hibbert about industry barriers and learning leeways for Black students.

Champion Disability Inclusivity

Disability discrimination is far more common than discrimination towards able-bodied employees. In fact, less than 10% of employers report hiring an employee with a disability within the span of a year.

Ensure you’re championing disability inclusivity with our exciting new missions and pledges, so that we can all have a fair experience at work.

🧑‍🏫 Hire a Workplace Speaker

Booking a speaker for your workplace is a great way to educate yourself and your colleagues around doing right by people with disabilities.

📖 Read More

Books are one of the best ways we can learn more about the world! Why not pick up a new novel featuring disabled characters or disability conversations and get stuck into learning about the experiences of people living with disabilities?

📺 Watch More

There are a ton of documentaries out there about the experiences of people living with disabilities. Take an hour or two to sit down, watch something new, and be open to learning something!

📣 Speak Out

Pledge to speak out against any ableism that you see. Being vocal in your support is one of the best things you can do to stand up for people with disabilities and disability progress.

⏯️ Bitesize Talk: Raising Disability Awareness

Disabled founder and investor Celia Chartres-Aris talks to Sanjay about living with a feeding tube and her advocacy for disability rights in the workplace.

Advocate for Gender Inclusivity

Half of women aged 18 to 30 have experienced discrimination at work. Nearly 20% of women who have gone on maternity leave have quit their jobs over negative workplace experiences. Sex and gender discrimination still exists in workplaces, so pick up one of these missions to support your female and non-binary colleagues at work.

🧑‍🏫 Hire a Workplace Speaker

Booking a speaker for your workplace is a great way to educate yourself and your colleagues around doing right by the women around you.

📖 Read More

Books are one of the best ways we can learn more about the world! Why not pick up a new novel featuring feminist issues and get stuck into learning about the experiences of women around the world?

📺 Watch More

There are a ton of documentaries out there about misogyny, feminism, and the female experience. Take an hour or two to sit down, watch something new, and be open to learning something!

📣 Speak Out

Pledge to speak out against sexism or misogyny that you see. Being vocal in your support is one of the best things you can do to stand up for women’s rights and opportunities.

⏯️ Bitesize Talk: Supporting Women at Work

Carolyn Spotswood, the Global Co-Lead for the Alight Women’s Professional Network, chats about helping employees thrive and what it means to create a support network.

Prioritise Mental Health Awareness

We know mental health issues aren’t a one-fix-for-all. In 2019, 1 in every 8 people worldwide experienced ill mental health in some shape or form. This number only increased in 2020, with the arrival of COVID-19.

Pick up a wellbeing pledge ahead of Mental Health Awareness Week. It might not fix things, but putting in the work can certainly lift your mood.

🏋️ Exercise Buddy

Go to the gym 3 times a week. Physical activity has loads of benefits for your mental and physical wellbeing!

🚶 Wellbeing Walkies

Go for a 20 min walk once a week for a month. Walking and spending time in nature can have a huge range of benefits for both your physical and mental wellbeing.

✍️ Get It All Out

Sometimes our emotions build and build inside of us without any outlet. Why not try journalling the next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed? A good vent can be just the trick.

🧘 Meditation

Meditate for 10 minutes every day for a week. Meditating could be as simple as sitting quietly and focusing on your breathing.

✉️ Admin Attack

We've all probably got a bit of admin to do. When it's playing on our minds, it can distract us and cause us stress, so take some time every week to tackle your admin and cut down on that list!

🧹 Declutter

Clutter can have a huge impact on our mental wellbeing! It can cause a whole lot of stress, as well as making our homes far less comfortable. Take this pledge to declutter your home.

📱 Daytime Device Shutdown

Think you can last a day without your phone? Put all of your devices away for a day and see how it affects your mood!

⏯️ Bitesize Talk: Mental Health in the Workplace

Tune in to OnHand founder Sanjay and Sanctus founder James discussing mental health and wellbeing.

Find all these missions on the OnHand app, and let’s do some good for Inclusivity Now!

Lastly, don’t forget to sign up to our latest Impact Webinar: ‘Beyond Diversity: Unlocking New Revenue & Productivity Through ED&I Actions’ on 30 April. With insights and strategies from an expert panel on all things ED&I, you won’t want to miss it.

A yellow OnHand graphic showing details for the Beyond Diversity webinar


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