Get Involved in Plastic Free July 

It’s almost time to get stuck into Plastic Free July and become part of the global movement to reduce consumption of single-use plastic. When we look at the current state of affairs in plastic waste, it’s easy to see why Plastic Free July is such a vital global initiative.

According to a 2022 Greenpeace study:

  • UK households are throwing away an estimated 1.85 billion pieces of plastic every week. That’s 96.57 billion pieces a year 

  • 46% of the UK’s household plastic packaging waste is likely being incinerated, and 25% is buried in landfill

  • Only 12% of plastic waste is likely to be recycled in the UK, with 17% being shipped overseas

Why Is Plastic Pollution A Problem?

The consequences of non-biodegradable materials

Plastic isn’t biodegradable, which means it can’t decay naturally and can take up to 1,000 years to break down. As more plastic is discarded, it just builds up in the environment. This built-up pollution can damage soil, poison groundwater, kill wildlife, and cause health problems for people. 

The contribution to the climate crisis

Plastic doesn’t just start being a problem when it’s thrown away – its production also causes some major problems. Producing plastic is one of the most energy-intensive manufacturing processes in the world. Fossil fuels like crude oil are transformed with heat and other additives into a polymer, and this is a seriously damaging process for our planet. In 2019, plastics generated 5.3% of all global greenhouse gas emissions.

The microplastics problem

Microplastics are exactly what they sound like – small pieces of plastic, measuring 5mm or less. They’re used in a variety of products, from facial exfoliators to laundry detergents and nappies. But they can also be created by accident, as larger plastic products break apart and shed debris. For instance, wear and tear on car tyres will create microplastics. And these tiny plastics are far from harmless: studies have found that microplastics are a serious health hazard, and could cause DNA damage, organ dysfunction, as well as reproductive and developmental toxicity. 

When you see statistics like these, the plastic problem may seem overwhelming, and it could be daunting to even think about making a change. That’s why we’re committed to making it as easy as possible to make a difference.

Plastic Reduction Made Simple

Since plastic is produced at such a huge rate, with little to no sustainable alternative for much of it, we’re doing our best to make it as simple as possible to reduce plastic consumption this month.

OnHand Heroes can now choose from various new pledges through the app to customise their Plastic Free July experience based on their lifestyle. We want everyone to be able to join in and contribute, no matter how small or big their commitment is. Remember, every action counts!

Here are some pledges to help you get started:

Reusable Bag 🛍

Ditch the plastic and use reusable shopping bags for your grocery shopping instead of buying new plastic ones!

Zero Hero 🦸🏻‍♀️ 

Help reduce demand for plastic packaging by refusing to buy products with it!

Coffee Monster ☕️

Reduce your plastic consumption this July by investing in a reusable coffee cup instead of using disposable plastic ones!

The Business Case for Climate Action

Plastic Free July is just one of the hundreds of opportunities for employees to take part in something meaningful with their workplace through the OnHand app. So why, as a business, should you care about making an impact? Well, doing good is good for business. 

  • Over the past 5 years, products shouting about their ESG commitments accounted for 56% of all growth – about 18% more than would have been expected given their standing at the beginning of the five-year period (McKinsey x NielsenIQ, 2023) 

  • A recent survey by asset management firm Amundi and the Business Times found that 82% of Gen Z and close to two-thirds of young millennial investors have exposure to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) investments (Nasdaq, 2022) 

Climate Action and Employee Wellbeing

Employees get a huge amount of their sense of purpose through work. And working for a company that isn’t doing anything to tackle such a pressing issue will have a detrimental impact on motivation and fulfilment levels.

  • 62% of employees said that they considered their organisation’s purpose when they joined, and 47% reported that they had left an organisation for purpose-related reasons. (Deloitte, 2022)

  • 74% of employees believe factors such as organisations reducing their environmental impact, improving the communities where they operate and adopting sustainable supply chain practices should be part of an organisation’s purpose. (Deloitte, 2022)

  • ⅓ of respondents said they would turn down roles in companies with poor ESG credentials. In that same survey, 64% said it’s important that employers act on environmental issues, with lack of action affecting the mental wellbeing 43% (BUPA, 2022)

Take action today

We’rein a climate emergency and the pressure is on for everyone to make changes and be more conscious of their impact on the environment. Plastic alone has massive consequences for our planet and our health. From microplastics, and fossil fuel burning, to trapping sea turtles in plastic bags - none of it is good for us.

Start taking climate action. Join OnHand and the hundreds of other companies who will be taking part in Plastic Free July this year. Book a demo with us to find out how you can get involved.


OnHand’s 10 Good Acts campaign


United Nations Sustainable Development Goals are now linked to OnHand actions