Optimise Your CSR Efforts: Link OnHand Actions to UN Sustainable Development Goals

OnHand offers seriously in-depth reporting on your company’s social and eco impact. You can see how many hours your people have volunteered, how much CO2e they’ve reduced, and even which teams and individuals have been doing the most good.

And now, we’ve taken it up a notch. Every OnHand action is now linked back to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, (SDGs), so you can see which SDGs your people are most committed to. Here’s everything you need to know to make sure you’re making the most of this brand new reporting feature.

What are the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?

Before you start tracking your organisation’s SDG progress, let’s cover the basics. 

The United Nations SDGs are a set of 17 global objectives created by the UN in 2015. They’re designed to give governments and organisations across the world a clear, unified set of objectives to create a brighter future. The goals encompass a huge range of issues that affect us all, including health, education, inequality, economic growth, and climate change. 

Needless to say, ensuring that your company is aligned with these goals is a fantastic way to contribute to global progress. 

How do I see my company’s SDG reporting?

You can export and view your company’s SDG data anytime. Just follow the steps below.

  • Go to your company Dashboard

  • Click the 'Admin' tab on the navigation bar 

  • Click on ‘Actions’

  • Feel free to Filter your data by date range, team, or task type

  • Click ‘Export

  • Open your CSV file in Excel or Google Sheets

  • Head to the final column of your spreadsheet to see your SDG reporting

 It’s that simple!

The Importance of Knowing Your Company’s SDG Progress

In a word, yes. It’s more important than ever for private sector organisations to commit to SDG progress. Why? Well, we’re at a pivotal moment in the process of achieving these goals.

In 2023, we reached the midpoint between the creation of the SDGs and the 2030 deadline for achieving them. As we’ve crossed this halfway mark, the SDGs have gained increased attention, making it crucial for businesses and corporations to prioritise integrating these goals into their operations.

The private sector is a ‘critical stakeholder’ in the SDGs and, for many of the goals, private sector action will be a decisive factor in meeting or missing the deadline by 2030, according to The United Nations Global Compact-Accenture Global Private Sector Stocktake

  • As it stands, only 48% of business leaders think that the private sector is doing enough to contribute to the SDGs

  • But business leaders are stepping up: 91% of business leaders say their company has a public commitment to at least one SDG

  • 78% changed a product or service offering to align with an SDG 

  • 4 out of 5 companies say they have a business case for at least one SDG, so it’s clear that aligning your CSR commitments to the UN’s goals isn’t just a great way to contribute  to collective positive impact, it’s also an investment in your business.

The Sum-Up: Commit to Global Good with OnHand

With increased public focus on the SDGs and clear business benefits to adopting the goals, it’s time to make sure your company is committed to global good. OnHand’s mini missions are flexible, on-demand, local and remote, and each one contributes that little bit towards the UN’s goals. If you want to make sure your organisation is committed to the SDGs – and reporting on them – book a demo today.


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